Locations Worldwide

Our name says it all: Shively Acoustics International is a global operation, active in seven countries spanning three continents. SAI calls the Seattle area home, coordinating our activities with exclusive partners spread across four US states, Canada, Europe, and South Korea.

Our international network of highly qualified professionals enables SAI to carry out its mission for our clients in the automotive, entertainment, and consumer electronics industries anywhere and everywhere in the world.

North America

1. Headquarters: Seattle, Washington, USA

R&D Acoustic Systems, Benchmarking, Transducers, Test, & DSP

Roger Shively

+1 317 908 6396
Skype: roger.shively

8313 61st Street Court West
University Place, WA 98467

Offices of Shively Acoustics International's Exclusive Partners in North America

Offices of SAI exclusive partners:

2. Howell, Michigan — DSP Development

3. Indianapolis, Indiana — Communications Support Center

4. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada — DSP Development

5. Saint Paul, Minnesota — Klippel Test Facility

6. Seattle, Washington — Market Research & Marketing Support

7. Woodinville, Washington — Loudspeaker Test Facility


Offices of Shively Acoustics International's Exclusive Partners in Europe

Offices of SAI exclusive partners:

8. Reggio Emilia, Italy — Simulation & Design Support

9. Tours, France — Simulation & Design Support

10. Uster, Switzerland — Audio Signal Processing R&D

11. Vienna, Austria — Simulation & Design Support


Offices of Shively Acoustics International's Exclusive Partners in Asia

Offices of SAI exclusive partners:

12. Seoul, South Korea — Business Development & Engineering Support